Thank you for Voting Yes

On Charter Amendments!

A Council That Works Together Can Get Things Done

Food Security Now



“For the past two years, we have had a council that faced serious issues and worked very cooperatively together. Four of the five Ohana candidates elected in 2018 — council members King, Paltin, Rawlins-Fernandez and Sinenci — secured the cooperation of very experienced members Mike Molina and Alice Lee to pass major legislation on affordable housing, food security, and work to provide water to all users.”

Mark Sheehan
Community Leader, Local Businessman

“Gabe Johnson will make a great County Council member for the Lanai seat. He is someone who can truly represent our whole community. He is a farmer, whose love of — and skill for — feeding our community is now legendary. He is a good listener, a quiet yet firm voice for all of us. He will represent us fairly and competently. His service will never be about him; it will always be about us. Vote for Gabe for the Lanai seat.”

Robin Kaye
Lanai City, Resident

“Sometimes change is not only good, but necessary. This charter amendment (Managing Director) will improve county government by making it more efficient and ensuring professional management of it’s departments, projects, and services.”

Brian Moto
Former Corporation Council to Maui County

“The world has become increasingly complex compared to 50+ years ago when our charter was adopted. To meet these challenges we need a new governance structure to match.”

Kimo Haynes
Member Special Committee on County Government

“The experiment with democracy will only survive and thrive if we are all engaged and respectful of each other.
With this in mind, I ask you to please vote for all seven of the charter amendments in the November election.
They will bring our local governance and home rule to a real level of service to our local people.
We have to ensure our local ability to take care of ourselves is tight; we cannot depend on Oahu or the Mainland.”

Sean Lester
Community leader

“A Department of Agriculture will allow Maui to unify the support our council members and mayor have legislated for all farmers. Small farmers can face some tough challenges trying to farm here, due to outdated and conflicting rules in various county departments. A central department for ag will advocate for farmers and ranchers, eliminate unnecessary regulations, and carry department level clout within the administration…”

Bobbie Patnode
Kula Resident